Sunday, March 26, 2006

A recent collage I made for my own text and image project, looked at influences from Schwitters, work by Tomato and Neasden Control Centre.

A haunting photograph I took during my art foundation, I found this abandoned pram in some woods near my home and it seemed like such a poignant piece of imagery that I captured it and desaturated its surroundings keeping the rouge of the pram.
A layout page from the book 'Memory Loss' heavily influenced by simplistic Bauhaus design,e.g the great designers, El Lissitzsky and Moholy-Nagy.

Some of my favourite typography examples, my typewriter is one of my most treasured belongings, there is something truely nostalgic and personal about typewritten documents.

An illustrated design for a poem screen printed onto fabric.
These four photographs were from first year, the two of wires and a plug are from a series called 'Journey of Electricity' where I produced a couple of small photographic books; and the other two were from an installation I made where I projected poetry onto floating dresses and a figure in answer to a poetry brief.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Two ephemera style collages by the great Kurt Schwitters, I am always inspired by his way of process, as it closely relates to my own style of working. Schwitters' work has a continuous evocative and personal quality to them which I think makes me appreciate them so much.

Here are some examples of bookwork and layout using text and image, bleached photo by Vaughn Oliver, and illustration from Adrenalin magazine, this work influenced me for my text and image project last semester.