Saturday, October 07, 2006

'the dream about my brother'

Thailand 17th August

We were staying in this dingy bunglow right on the beach, and it was basic, but had something really weird about it. I woke up with hot tears rolling down my cheeks, wrapped in the net floating around me from the ceiling fan. I dreamt that my mother told me that I had a brother and she had to have him adopted before I was born, it was so real and vivid that it made me cry uncontrollably; I have always wanted siblings. In the dream I remember feeling so stupid for not realising earlier - it really affected me and I was scared to go back to sleep incase I fell back into the same dream. Of course I trust my parents but after that I could not help but question reality and what I knew always as truth, I felt unnerved, but it has made me want to document this dream in a short film.


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